Author: Linda Wheeler

What NOT to Pack in a Carry-On

Travel is back, and I’ve been booking a lot of short trips for people- people are really wanting quick getaways.  Short trips are great for traveling with only a carry-on… So here are some items

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My Additions to the Wonders of the World

Wonders of the World… given this title because of their magnificence and awe-inspiring presence.  The number seven was chosen because the Greeks believed that the number seven represented perfection and plenty.  But what are the

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5 American Wine Trips

When you think of taking a trip to a wine region, many people think of France or Italy, or even Australia!  (Yes, they have an amazing wine region!). But don’t forget the award winning wines

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Adventure Travel

I’m not much of an adventure traveler… ok, I’m NOT an adventure traveler!  LOL. But I somehow married someone who likes to dabble in it, AND gave birth to two adrenaline junkies!  HAHA! So when

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Detroit, Michigan… Foodie Haven?

So I’ve been researching unusual foodie locations in the US for a client who truly IS a foodie… and I found a place that not only surprised me, but also my client… Detroit, Michigan! Yes…

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Bucket List… Do You Have One???

When you have a goal, you should write it down- right?  Because when you write it down, it becomes a reminder that you have that goal, and you start working on steps to make that

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Read A Road Map Day

Happy Read a Road Map Day!  Yes… April 5 is Read a Road Map Day. And yes… I am that old… I am “I’ve got the road map/atlas book open and I am seeing where

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Unique Beaches

I love the beach… no… I mean I REALLY love the beach! And for those who love the beach, you know that there are some unique beaches out there! So the folks at Travel Trivia

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